Friday, August 28, 2009

Using Your Diversity To Your Advantage

author Kenneth Roldan describes five common missteps that most minorities fall victim for when trying to set themselves apart that I thought were pretty interesting…


IMPACT: Creating New Ideas To Bridge The Gaps
St. Louis Chapter
Millennium Hotel in Downtown
Saint Louis, MO 63101
October 8th - October 10th, 2009


The conference theme, IMPACT: “Creating New Ideas To Bridge The Gaps”, respects the core aspirations of the original 12 founders of NOMA, who in, 1971 ambitiously set a course for expanding the academic and professional horizons for a more diverse pool of students and professionals to be successful now and in the future.

The conference is an opportunity to reach design professionals that include architecture, engineering, planning, landscape design, contracting and building, urban design, interior design, building operations and maintenance, green or sustainable design and downtown revitalization and economic development officials.